Rawa Ruska - j4

  • Year: 1878
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  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.

Rawa Ruska - j4



Sources on Jewish Communities in this section:


Horyniec  Horyniec [Pol], Horyniec Zdrój

http://data.jewishgen.org/wconnect/wc.dll?jg~jgsys~community~-504138 JewishGen Locality Page


Magierow  Maheriv [Ukr], Magierów [Pol], Magrev [Yid], Magerov [Rus], Mageruv, Magriv

http://data.jewishgen.org/wconnect/wc.dll?jg~jgsys~community~-1045468 JewishGen Locality Page


Niemirow  Nemyriv [Ukr], Niemirów [Pol], Nemirov [Yid, Rus], Nemiruv, Nemarev

http://data.jewishgen.org/wconnect/wc.dll?jg~jgsys~community~-1047507 JewishGen Locality Page


Potylicz  Potelych [Ukr], Potylicz [Pol], Potolitch [Yid], Potelich [Rus], Potelyc, Potylich, Potilitsh

http://data.jewishgen.org/wconnect/wc.dll?jg~jgsys~community~-1051413 JewishGen Locality Page


Rawa Ruska  Rava-Rus'ka [Ukr], Rava Russkaya [Rus], Rawa Ruska [Pol], Rawa [Ger], Rave [Yid], Rava Ruska, Rava-Ruska, Ravi

http://data.jewishgen.org/wconnect/wc.dll?jg~jgsys~community~-1052059 JewishGen Locality Page

http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/pinkas_poland/pol2_00498.html Yizkor Book

http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Rava-Ruska/rav011.html Yizkor Book


From the Second Military Survey of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Found at: http://mapire.eu/en/map/secondsurvey/.