Pultuszk - H31

Pultuszk - H31


Sources on Jewish Communities in this section: 


Note: Red marking on the map is probably military in origin. The inscription Bgr. Pl. southwest of the town appears to be the marking of the

Jewish cemetery.

Pultuszk  Pułtusk [Pol], Pultosk [Yid], Pultusk [Rus, Ger], Ostenburg [Ger, 1941-45], Poltosk  

https://www.jewishgen.org/Communities/Community.php?usbgn=-524549 JewishGen Locality Page

http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/pultusk/pultusk.html Yizkor Book


Szerotzk  Serock [Pol], Serotzk [Yid, Rus], Serotsk, Sierck, Sierock, Srotsk

https://www.jewishgen.org/Communities/community.php?usbgn=-527533 JewishGen Locality Page

http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/serock/serock.html Yizkor Book