Kovel - XX-3

  • Year: 1877
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  • Full file view (downloadable) (right-click to 'save as')
  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.

Kovel - XX-3 (transliterated)

  • Year: Unknown
  • Zoom viewer
  • Full file view (downloadable) (right-click to 'save as')
  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.



Sources on Jewish communities in this section:


Ковель  Kovel [Ukr, Rus, Yid], Kowel [Pol], Kovla, Kovle

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  


Миляновичи  Milyanovichi [Rus], Milanowicze [Pol], Mylianovychi [Ukr], Milyanoviche

JewishGen Locality Page


Черемошно  Cheremoshno [Rus], Czeremoszno [Pol], Cheremoshne [Ukr], Tsheremoshne [Yid]  

JewishGen Locality Page


Несухойжи  Nesukhoyezhe [Rus], Niesuchojeże [Pol], Nezkizh [Yid], Neskhizh, Nesuchonzhi, Nesukhoyzhe, Nesukhoyezh'ye,

Nesuchojeze, Niesuchoiże

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia Nesukhoizhi is a town in the Volyn province, Kovel district. According to the revision of 1847

“Nesukhoizhsk Jewish society" consisted of 878 souls. According to the 1897 census, there were 1,862 inhabitants in N., among

whom were 814 Jews.


Любомль  Lyuboml' [Ukr, Rus], Luboml [Pol], Libivne [Yid], Ljuboml [Ger], Libovne, Liuboml', Liubomil, Lubomla, Zawalie 

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia


Мациов  Lukov [Rus, since 1946], Lukiv [Ukr], Maciejów [Pol], Matsiov [Rus], Motchiov [Yid], Matseyuv, Matseyev, Matseyiv 

JewishGen Locality Page


Дольскъ  Dol'sk [Ukr], Dolsk [Pol], Dolsk Stary  

JewishGen Locality Page


Датинь  Datyn' [Ukr], Datyń [Pol], Datin  

JewishGen Locality Page


Дубечно  Dubechne [Ukr], Dubeczno [Pol], Dubechno [Rus], Dubechnoye 

JewishGen Locality Page