Tarnopol - XXIV-4

  • Year: 1877
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  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.


Sources on Jewish communities in this section:


  Russian Empire


Волочиск  Volochys'k [Ukr], Volochisk [Rus], Volotchisk [Yid], Wolotschysk [Ger], Wołoczyska [Pol], Woloczysk, Volochyska,

Wolochisk, Wolocyska  

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Volochisk (Woloczyska) - in the era of Polish rule, the city of Volyn Voivodeship, Kremenetsk. 

povet. The 1765 census recorded 384 Jews in the city and 774 in the kahal district.

Nowadays (1906-13) it's a town in Starok, in Volyn Gubernia, near the customs office of Volochisk. In 1847, "Voloch. Jewish community"

amounted to 1,516 souls; according to the census of 1897 - inhabitants were 6,716, including 3,295 Jews. In 1881 anti-Jewish riots took

place here (May 5). In 1909. - One private Jewish men's school.


Ожиговцы  Ozhyhivtsi [Ukr], Ozhigovtsy [Rus], Ożohowce [Pol], Ozhyhivtsi, Ozyhivci, Ożyhowce  

JewishGen Locality Page


  Austrian Empire


Тернополь  Ternopil' [Ukr], Tarnopol [Pol, Yid], Ternopol' [Rus], Tarnepol  (Austrian Empire)

JewishGen Locality Page


Микулнице  Mykulyntsi [Ukr], Mikulińce [Pol], Mikolintza [Yid], Mikulintsy [Rus], Mikilinits

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Mikulnice - in the era of the Commonwealth, the town of the Russian Voivodeship, Trembovel Powiat,

now (1911) - Galicia. In 1765, there were 463 souls in the kahal and its parishes. In 1910 - 3,000 Jews. There is a synagogue, 8 prayer houses,

a school that exists at the expense of the Baron Hirsch fund in his own house.


Козлов  Kozliv [Ukr], Kozłów [Pol], Kozlov [Yid, Rus], Kozlev, Kozluv 

JewishGen Locality Page


Стрыевка  Stryyivka [Ukr], Stryjówka [Pol], Stryyevka [Rus], Stryivka

JewishGen Locality Page


Збараж  Zbarazh [Ukr, Rus, Yid], Zbaraż [Pol], Sbarasch [Ger], Sparach, Zbarezh  

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Zbarazh (Zbaraz) is a county town of Galicia, in the era of the Commonwealth, which was part of

the Volyn Voivodeship, Kremenets Povet. The cemetery has existed since 1510. According to the record of 1593 by Prince Peter Zbrazhsky,

the towns of Stary and Novy Zb. were given to a certain Nikolai Vonsovich and a Jew of New Zbarazh, Ephraim David, on lease with all the

subjects of the prince, farms, lands, duties and income (for three years for 9,100 zlotys). In the 17th century the community grew and a 

synagogue was built. Jews suffered during the siege of the city by Khmelnitsky (1648) and the Turks (1676) and from the Haidamaks who

attacked Z. in 1708. In 1765, there were 910 Jews. The proximity of Tarnopol (where Josef Perl spread the ideas of the haskalah)

influenced the Z. community, which subsidized the local school named after Perl (450 guilds annually). Z. is the birthplace of the famous

folk poet and badkhen Velvel Zbarazher.  In 1900 there were 2, 896 Jews (34.8% of the population). The community budget in 1908 was

over 20,000 crowns.  In the county of Z. in 1900 there were 5,048 Jews (7.50%).


Озёрная  Ozerna [Ukr], Jezierna [Pol], Azierna [Yid], Ozernyany [Rus], Yezirna, Ozernyani, Ozërnaya, Uzirna, Uzyerni, Yezherne,


JewishGen Locality Page


Струсів  Strusiv [Ukr], Strusów [Pol], Strisev [Yid], Strusov [Rus], Strisov, Strusuv, Strussiw  

JewishGen Locality Page


Дарахів  Darakhov [Rus], Darachów [Pol], Darakhiv [Ukr], Darachiv, Dorokhov, Darakhuv 

JewishGen Locality Page


Трембовля  Terebovlya [Ukr, Rus], Trembowla [Pol], Trembovla [Yid], Trebevle, Terebowlja, Terebovlia, Trembovlia  

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Trembovlia is a district town in Galicia. The “fortress” synagogue of the 17th century that has been

preserved in T. speaks of the long stay of the Jews here. In 1765 there were 576 Jews (in the surrounding villages 113), in 1900 2,098

(25.3% of the total population). There are more significant communities in the districts: in Budzanow (1,696; 31% of the total population),

Yanov (749; 28%) and Strusuva (735; 25%).


Каменки  Kam'yanky [Ukr], Kamionki [Pol], Kaminka [Yid], Kamenki [Rus], Kam'ianky  

JewishGen Locality Page


Скалат  Skalat [Ukr, Yid, Rus], Skałat [Pol], Skalat Stary 

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Skalat is a town in Galicia, in the era of the Commonwealth, which was part of the Russian

Voivodeship, Trembovel Povet. In 1765 there were 686 Jews in S. Now (1912) S. is the property of the Jewish landowners - Rozenshtok. 

In 1900 - 2,791 Jews. There is a synagogue and 9 chapels.


Золотники  Zolotnyky [Ukr], Złotniki [Pol], Zlotniki [Yid], Zolotniki [Rus]  

JewishGen Locality Page


Бурканів  Burkaniv [Ukr], Burkanów [Pol], Burkanov [Rus], Burkanuv  

JewishGen Locality Page


Гржималувъ  Hrymayliv [Ukr], Grzymałów [Pol], Rimalov [Yid], Grimaylov [Rus], Hrymajiliv, Hrymaĭliv, Gzhimaluv, Grzhymalov,

Grzhimalov, Grimalov  

JewishGen Locality Page


Подволочиск  Pidvolochys'k [Ukr], Podwołoczyska [Pol], Podvolitchisk [Yid], Podvolochisk [Rus], Pidvoločys’k, Pidwolotschysk,

Podvoletshisk, Podwlocztska  

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Pidvolochisk is a border town in Eastern Galicia, with a Jewish community. In 1910 - 4,000

Jewish residents.


Тарноруда  Tarnoruda [Ukr, Pol, Yid], Tarnorudka [Rus], Tarneride 

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Tarnoruda - in the era of the Commonwealth, the town of Podolsky Voivodeship. In 1765

there were 771 Jews.



Locations in this section from the gazetteer: Where Once We Walked (2002), Avotaynu Inc.

