Berezhnitsa - XXVI-21

  • Year: 1909
  • Zoom viewer
  • Full file view (downloadable) (right-click to 'save as')
  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.

Berezhnitsa - XXVI-21

Berezhnitsa - XXVI-21

  • Year: 1915
  • Zoom viewer
  • Full file view (downloadable) (right-click to 'save as')
  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.


Sources on Jewish communities in this section:


Бережницы  Berezhnytsia [Ukr], Berezhnitsa [Rus], Bereźnica [Pol], Berezhnitza [Yid], Berezhnitsy, Bereznitza, Bereznycja  

JewishGen Locality Page


Сарны  Sarny [Rus, Pol, Ukr], Sarni [Yid]  

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Sarny - village. Sarny is a village in Volyn province, Rovno uyezd. In exemption from the

"Provisional Rules" of 1882, the village is open for the settlement of Jews (since 1903).


Городецъ  Horodets' [Ukr], Gorodets [Rus], Horodziec [Pol], Gorodzets, Khorodzets, Horodec nad Horyniem

JewishGen Locality Page


Locations in this section from the gazetteer: Where Once We Walked (2002), Avotaynu Inc.
