Bielsk - XX-14

  • Year: 1915
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  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.


Sources on locations in this section from the JewishGen Communities database:


Бельскъ  Bielsk Podlaski [Pol], Byelsk [Yid], Bielsk, Bilsk, Bielsko Podlaskie, Byelsk Podlaski, Bielsk-Podliask

JewishGen Locality Page


Наревъ  Narew [Pol], Narev [Yid, Rus], Narva [Bel, Ukr], Naraŭ [Bel], Narevas [Lith]

JewishGen Locality Page


Locations in this section from the gazetteer: Where Once We Walked (2002), Avotaynu Inc.


Proniewicze, Czyze, Kojly, Wojszki, Ryboly, Tyniewicze Male & Wielkie