Budavka - XXX-29

  • Year: 1928
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  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.


Sources on Jewish Communities in this section:



Russian Jewish Encyclopedia BUDAEVKA, now part of the city of Boyarka (Ukraine). At 19 - beginning. 20th century -

village of Kievsky district and province. In 1897, 239 Jews (13.9%) lived in Budaevka.


Бышев  Byshiv [Ukr], Byshev [Rus], Bishev [Yid], Byszów [Pol], Byszew

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary Town in Kiev county; by the Revision of 1847 there were 485 souls in the Byshev

Jewish society; by the 1897 census there were 3,532 inhabitants of which 597 were Jewish.


Ясногородка   Yasnohorodka [Ukr], Yasnogorodka [Rus], Yasnerotke [Yid], Jasnohorodka [Pol], Iasnohorodka

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Yasnogorodka is a place in the Kiev province and county. According to

the revision of 1847, the Yasnogorod Jewish Society consisted of 658 souls. According to the 1897

census in Ya. there were 1614 people, among them 624 Jews.


Слободка  (Игнатовка)  Hnativka [Ukr], Ignatovka [Rus], Anatovka [Yid], Ihnatówka [Pol], Gnatovka

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia   Ignatovka -  A locality in the Kiev district and province. In 1847 "Ignatovka Jewish society”

consisted of 511 souls; in 1897 there lived 1,093, of which 926 were Jews.