Kelmy - IX-13
- Year: 1914
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Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.
Sources on Jewish Communities in this section:
Кельмы Kelmė [Lith], Kelm [Yid, Ger], Kelmy [Rus], Kielmy [Pol], Ķelme [Latv], Kelem, Kelmės
Кроже Kraziai [Lith], Krozh [Yid], Kroże [Pol], Krozhi [Rus], Krozhe, Kruce, Kroz, Kruz, Kraziu, Krazhyay, Krazhay
Лидовяны Lyduvėnai [Lith], Lidovian [Yid], Lidovyany [Rus], Lidowiany [Pol], Lidevian, Lydavėnų, Lydavėnai,
Liudavėnai, Liduvėnai, Liduvenay