Kovarsk - X-17

  • Year: 1900
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  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.


Sources on Jewish settlements in this section:


Коварск  Kavarskas [Lith], Kovarsk [Rus, Yid], Kowarsk [Pol], Kavarska [Latv], Kavarsk, Kovarsko, Kavarskos, Kovarskas, Kavarsks  

JewishGen Locality Page


Сесики  Siesikai [Lith], Sheshik [Yid], Siesiki [Pol], Sesik, Siyesikay, Siesikų, Sessiki, Sesiki, Sesikay

JewishGen Locality Page


Вилькомиръ  Ukmergė [Lith], Vilkomir [Yid, Rus], Wiłkomierz [Pol], Wilkomir [Ger], Ukmerģe [Latv], Vilkmergė [Lith, pre-1918],

Vilcomiria [Lat], Valkemir, Vilkamir, Okmergie, Ukmergės   (Vilkomir is half represented on the lower margin of the map)

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish EncyclopediaWilkomir (Wilkomierz) - during the era of Polish rule, the administrative center of the povet

of the same name, part of the Vilna Voivodeship. Kahal and the synagogue in V. are mentioned in a document of 1685, which indicates that

Jews lived here before. According to the 1766 census, the Kahal numbered 716 Jews. In the Principality of Zhmudsky (western Lithuania)

the census noted 622 Jews of the “Vilkomir Kahal”, apparently subordinate Jews from the localities there. 

     Nowadays (~1910) it is a district town of the Kovno province. Appointed in 1796, upon annexation to Russia, as adistrict town of the Vilna

governorate, V. in 1842 went to the Kovno province. — In 1797, in the Vilkomir district:9 Jewish merchants, 2827 Jews (burghers) and Karaites,

3,261 Jews, and 3,527 tradesman-guilds (Christians). In 1864, there were 6,400 Jews in the district (2 synagogues, 19 chapels), and in Vilkomir

itself, in addition, 4,561 Jews. (2 syn. and 12 prayer rooms). According to the 1897 census, the population in the county was about 230

thousand, among which were 30,158 Jews. In V. there were 13,532 total, among which were 7,287 Jews.


Видишки  Vidiškiai [Lith], Vidishok [Yid], Vidzishki [Rus], Widziszki [Pol], Vidiškių, Vidiškis, Vėdėškē, Vidishkyay

JewishGen Locality Page

http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/pinkas_lita/lit_00225.html Yizkor Book


Товяны   Taujėnai [Lith], Tovian [Yid], Tovyany [Rus], Towiany [Pol], Tauvian, Tauyenay, Tauyenai, Taunenay, Taujėnų, Tavyan, Tevyan

JewishGen Locality Page


Locations in this section from the gazetteer: Where Once We Walked (2002), Avotaynu Inc.


Baleliai (a farm), Taujenai (Toviany)*, Petronys (Petrantsy)*, Salnos (Sholny)*, Silai (Shily)*, Siesartis (T'sesarka)*


* As spelled on the map.