Lyubar - XXXII-24

  • Year: 1908
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  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.


Sources on Jewish communities in this section:


Любар  Lyubar [Ukr, Rus], Lieber Tov [Yid], Lubar [Pol], Liubar, Ljubar, Luber  

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Lyubar - In the era of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Lubar was a locality in the Volhynia

Voivodeship, Kremenets District. In 1705 the local Jew Pinchas Shmoilovich stated to the Kremenets County that when the Cossacks

came to Kremenets all the Jews and Catholics fled from Lubar taking their property; by March of 1703 only 7 Jews came back and they

had to pay "chop and shackle" starting from 1699 but they had no money. In 1765 there were 405 Jews in L. who paid the poll tax. The

community was managed by the Jews of the neighboring Novy Ostropol (62 people).