Novogrudok - XVII-19


Sources on Jewish settlements in this section:


Новогрудокъ  Navahrudak [Bel], Novogrudok [Rus], Nowogródek [Pol], Navaredok [Yid], Naugardukas [Lith], Novaredok,

Novogrudek, Novohorodok, Novradok, Nowogrudok, Nowogradek, Navharadak, Nawahradak

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Novogrudok is one of the oldest Lithuanian cities; its foundation dates back to 1116, in the era of the

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - the main city of the voivodeship of the same name. The Jewish settlement in N. is one of the earliest in

Lithuania. Jews were first mentioned in 1529; in 1551 they were exempted from paying the so-called silver tax. At first, Jews lived on

Podlazhskaya Street, but in 1563, King Sigismund Augustus ordered that they be given places to live behind the castle on Vilna or

Trushkovskaya Street and that Jews build houses for themselves there. According to the definition of the Lithuanian vaad in 1623, the

community in N. was placed under the authority of the Brest kahal. In 1765, there were 893 poll tax payers in the Kahal and its parishes.

In the N. Voivodeship there were 12,031 Jewish poll tax payers. [The Jews of Novogrudok are mentioned in the responses of the R. Solomon

Luria ( מה״רשל ‎), No. 59, regarding a certain Jew who sent a very obscene reproach to a Jewish woman because she did not want to dance

with him.

Nowadays (1910) it is a district town of the Minsk province. In 1797 the district belonged to the Lithuanian province, there were 1,156 men

and 1,761 women. According to the revision of 1847, there were the following “Jewish communities” in the district: Novogrudok - consisting of

2,576 souls; Lyubchanskoe - 973; Stolovitskoye - 1571; Mirskoe - 2273. According to the 1897 census, there were 247 thousand inhabitants

in the district, of which 30,483 were Jews. Including 7,887 inhabitants in N., of which 5,015 were Jews. Yizkor Book Yizkor Book


Вселюбъ  Vselyub [Rus], Wsielub [Pol], Usielub [Bel], Silev [Yid], Useljub, Shelub  

JewishGen Locality Page


Налибокъ  Naliboki [Rus, Pol], Nalibaki [Bel], Nalibok [Yid], Nalybok, Nalyboki 

JewishGen Locality Page


Locations in this section from the gazetteer: Where Once We Walked (2002), Avotaynu Inc.

