Rafalovka - XXVI-20
- Year: 1915
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Sources on Jewish communities in this section:
Рафаловка Rafalivka [Ukr], Rafalovka [Rus], Rafałówka [Pol], Rafalefke [Yid]
Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia Rafalovka is a town in Volyn province, Lutsk district. According to the revision of 1847 “Rafalovetsk
Jewish community" consisted of 644 souls. According to the 1897 census, the population in R. was 2,038, among which were 1,054 Jews.
Владимирецъ Volodymyrets' [Ukr], Vladimirets [Rus], Włodzimierzec [Pol], Vlodimiretz [Yid], Vlodzhimyerzets, Wladimirez,
Vlodzimezhets, Vladimirei, Volodymyrec'
Кол. Олизарка Koloniya Olizarka, Olizarka, Ulizerka, Kolonia Olizarka
Brockhaus-Efron Jeweish Encyclopedia Olizarka is a Jewish agricultural settlement in the Volyn province, Lutsk district, Rafalovka volost.
Founded in 1849. Initially, 60 families of village Jews, quite wealthy, settled; received benefits; but soon went bankrupt. By 1872, only 32
families remained. In 1898 there were 254 souls of the indigenous (Jewish) population, who had 144 acres of land. Agriculture is a secondary
occupation; the colonists are almost all masons.