Severinovka - XLIV-30

  • Year: 1917
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  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.


Sources on Jewish Communities in this section:


Севериновка  Severinovka, Potoskoe

Encyclopedia of Russian Jewery

SEVERINOVKA, village in Ivanovo raion, Odessa region (Ukraine). In the 19 - beginning of the 20 c. - Severinovka locality (other name Pototskoe)

of Odessa uezd, Kherson province. In 1897 there were 234 Jews (19.6%) living in S. In 1865 there was a synagogue in S. In 1914 Jews owned 

10 shops (including all 4 grocery shops, both ready-made dress shops, only butchershop). On Oct. 21, 1905 there was a massacre in S. In 

1919 there was a pogrom in S., organized by units of the Volunteer Army.


Бузиново  Buzynove [Ukr], Buzinovo [Rus], Businowa [Ger] 

JewishGen Locality Page


Большой Буялык  Blahoyeve [Ukr], Blagoyevo [Rus, since 1923], Bol’shoy Buyalyk [Rus, until 1923], Blahojevo, Blagoevo,

Bolshe Buyalik, Velykyĭ Buialyk

JewishGen Locality Page