Vladimir Volynskiy - XXVIII-16


Sources on Jewish Communities in this section:


Володимир-Волинський   Volodymyr Volynskyy [Ukr], Vladimir Volynskiy [Rus], Włodzimierz Wolynski [Pol], Ludmir [Yid],

Lodomeria [Lat], Ladmir, Lodmer, Ludomir, Vladimir Volinski, Vladzimyrz, Włodzimierz, Wladimir, Wladimir Wolynsk, Wolodymyr-Wolynskyj  

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Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia  Vladimir-Volynsk (in Polish Wlodzimierz, in Russian Volodymer, in Hebrew לודמר or לאדמר) - one of the

oldest and once richest Russian cities, during the era of Polish rule the administrative center of the povet, which was part of the Volyn

Voivodeship. The history of Jews in this city dates back to the end of the 13th century. According to the 1897 census, there were over 277

thousand inhabitants in the district, of whom 28,936 were Jews. 


Устилуг  Ustyluh [Ukr], Ustilug [Rus], Uściług [Pol], Ustila [Yid], Ustiluh, Austile, Ostila, Ustilla, Oustiloug  

JewishGen Locality Page


Хородло  Horodło [Pol], Horodlo [Yid], Khorodlo [Rus], Gorodlo, Horodle  (spelled Городло on the map)

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